The Core of
C h u l u k u a - R y u

Called "swoop of the eagle" leg scissors takedowns are an effective and forceful chulukua attack.

     But this wasn't enough. "They taught these principles in a strictly linear fashion that doesn't emphasize the interrelationship between them. So I combined them with a native American teaching tool called the 'Star Maiden Circle.'"
     The Star Maiden Circle is a major conceptual structure, called a "teaching wheel," of yet another group, the Twisted Hairs Medicine Society's Council of Elders. The Twisted Hairs are men and women of wisdom from several different tribes, who have combined their knowledge into a "cord" stronger than any of the individual "strands" of knowledge. Hence the term "twisted hairs. "

Triangle of Perfection
     In the center of this circle of knowledge he has implanted another Ten-no-Kishi teaching tool, the "triangle of perfection."
     "In essence," Reagan insists, "the triangle of perfection takes all of the things that Miyamoto Musashi did in the Book of Five Tings, and reduces them to the simplicity of a triangle. If the reader wants to get more knowledge, he's got to read the entire Book of Five Rings and digest it and integrate it. But the reality is that it breaks down into reconnaissance, strategy and tactics.
     "The major emphasis of the chulukua-ryu system is learning that the real battle is against the enemy inside yourself. We call it your dark side. Call it what you will, what it literally means is self-pity, your self-doubt, your lack of self-esteem, your attachments and dependencies to

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     In the November, 1988, issue of KARATE/KUNG FU ILLUSTRATED, readers were introduced to the art of chulukua-ryu. Created as a grafting of traditional Native American fighting techniques and the shorinji jujitsu system, chulukua-ryu is powerful and philosophical, both ancient and relevant to the needs of the modern martial artist. Letters poured in requesting additional information both on the combative applications and epistemological foundations of the art, prompting this return visit with the founder of the Native American Indian Fighting Arts Society.                                     — Ed.

     Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan was tracked to his lair at the Deer Tribe Medicine Society in Temple City, California. Here he graciously took time from his burgeoning
Pain control, even to the point of withstanding a full-power groin kick, is part of the chulukua-ryu system.
schedule as counselor, medicine man, teacher, healer and martial arts instructor to further explain the core of his art – the "eight wheels of movement."
     Reagan has the rare skill of combining informality with precision of thought. Without referring to notes, he was able to give a very precise description of some complex elements and their interactions.

Eight Wheels of Movement
     "I think that anything dealing with

American Indian
Traditions and

by Steven Barnes

the physiological body deals with these eight outer aspects, which we arrange on the eight wheels of movement, Reagan said. He counted off aspects on his fingers. "You've got to have balance, coordination, power, speed, distance, timing, relaxation and attitude. the wheel shows you where you need each one the most, to get the maximum efficiency with minimum effort. It's saying that you need balance in all of your inner aspects."
     The inner aspects are also arranged on a "medicine wheel." In the North is the mind, in the East is the spirit, in the South are the emotions, in the West is the body, and in the center of the circle is ki (chi) and sexuality. The Native Americans, like the yogis, consider the proper use of sexual energy to be central to the development of full human power.
     You need all eight of the outer characteristics, in all five of your inner aspects, but the real key is that without the emotional balance, you simply can't progress. You need mental coordination to string you techniques together. This greatly influences the fluidity in your movement. The martial artist must visualize technique following technique. Many athletes will have good physical power, excellent speed, and a grasp of timing – and still lose, because their emotions aren't balanced. If mental coordination is out, everything suffers.
     According to Swiftdeer Reagan, the teachings of emotional balance, mental coordination, physical power, and spiritual speed (the cardinal directions), were given to him by the Ten-no-Kishi (Knights of Heaven), a Japanese martial society dedicated to autonomous individual freedom.